Counseling on plantation establishment and improvement of existing plantations
Over the years, we have detected that our clients often need more than just a soil or mycorrhizal analysis of their plantations or new plots. They need help on how to implement measures and choose the best options in the light of the conclusions reached by our analysts.
So MicoLab has also specialized in services to counsel clients in fields such as:
Decision-making prior to establishing the truffle orchard
Most suitable host tree species, tree spacing, selecting the proper soil works needed and how to perform them correctly, measures for fungal contamination control, etc.

Selecting management and improvement measures taking into consideration the mycorrhizal status of the plantation, age and/or current yield
The most common example would be a low yield plantation in which a mycorrhizal analysis shows that the presence of Tuber melanosporum is correct but even so, it is not producing properly. In this case, by consulting the client and possibly a field visit, we can detect improvement needs to increase the plantation yields.

Technical visits to monitor field works
We can supervise the correct performance in different field works like tree plantation, irrigation, pruning or Spanish wells. These visits often include the previous training of the workers on the proper way to conduct those tasks.